Al Musaffa Sidr Honey booth at Viva Palestine Charity Fair, Publika Kuala Lumpur. The charity sale was held to support and create awareness of Yemen’s devastating humanitarian crisis.
During the October 2016 Kuala Lumpur Palestine Film Festival our brand was graciously invited to be a part of the charity bazaar that took place during the event which took place between the 29th and 30th October at MapKL in Publika.
Al Musaffa Sidr, honey was a hit and we also sold lots of cookies, cakes, and cupcakes that were courageously made by the needy with their entrepreneurial spirit.
We at Al Musaffa Sidr Honey were thrilled and humbled to be able to be a part of this noble bazaar whose proceedings were used to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians and Yemenis.
The event had several aims amongst which were to raise awareness of the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the unfolding humanitarian crisis there. Another one of its aims was to raise funds that were to be used for humanitarian assistance to Yemen.